
“One Simple Thing” is a PepsiCo initiative that provides flexible work options for all employees, aimed at helping them balance personal responsibilities and lifestyle with work, by giving them a structured way to talk to managers about their needs.

PepsiCo said “One Simple Thing” has been successful in creating flexibility for workers that is personal and suited to their individual situations.

Shiona Watson, Senior Director of Human Resources at PepsiCo

Shiona Watson, Senior Director of Human Resources at PepsiCo


Shiona Watson, Senior Director of Human Resources at PepsiCo said employees are encouraged to make work fit around their life, not the other way around.

“We encourage people to build their work life around their personal needs and embrace all the flexible working options available to them,” she said.

Some examples of ‘One Simple Thing’ ideas include:

  • Adjusting start or finish times,
  • Extending lunch breaks,
  • Having no meetings at certain times of the day and
  • Allocating time for professional development including researching, reading articles or attending seminars.

The results have been diverse; some workers start their day surfing or organise their work hours to keep fit, study or keep religious observances.

Business Relationship Manager, Abdul Ghaffar shared his experience working and fasting during the month of Ramadan.

“Through a ‘One Simple Thing’ conversation with my manager, PepsiCo have enabled me to work flexible hours during the month of Ramadan,” he said.

“I start work earlier and finish at 4:00pm, which enables me to break the fast at sunset with my family.

“I have full support from all my colleagues who understand the importance of flexible hours during Ramadan, and together we have agreed not to set meetings after 4pm.”

95% of PepsiCo employees reportedly agree that the culture of the organisation is supportive to working in a mobile and flexible way.

Ms Watson said their approach to flexibility was a source of pride.

“I am proud of how bold we are in our approach to flexible working. We are encouraging people to thrive both at work and externally and we recognise that this is the way forward to retain and attract good talent and to reward our employees for all the work they do,” she said.


Senior managers can improve their relationships with their employees through conversations about their contributions. It instils a sense that they and their contributions are valued (Renewing Australian Workplaces).